The PPROM Page
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Jamie's PROM Story

By Jamie, Lexington MA USA
PROM at 21 weeks + 1 days. Delivery at 22 weeks.
Story added: 2003-02-26
I hadn't even had a normal cycle after my first trimester miscarriage when I discovered that I was pregnant again. I was anxious and hopeful, and wished every day for this pregnancy to stick. I was 34 years old and was hoping to have my first child before I reached 35.
I was thrilled after an ultrasound at 7 weeks revealed a heartbeat. The doctor said I should relax, that everything should be just fine.
At 13 weeks I was on the subway and felt a sudden gush between my legs. I was wearing tights, and my legs felt warm and sticky. When I got to the restaurant, I ran to the bathroom and saw my underpants stained bright pink with blood. I was panicked but knew that there was nothing to be done--if I was miscarrying they couldn't save the baby at this point. The next morning the ultrasound showed a subchorionic hematoma, but also showed the baby alive and kicking around and developing normally. I was incredibly relieved. The doctor ordered me on bedrest for two weeks.
I would wake at night to find my sheets covered in blood periodically. It was terrifying. Then I would have periods of days and weeks with no bleeding. Frequent ultrasound screenings throughout the second trimester revealed our little baby to be developing normally, kicking and moving around inside of me. My doctor and radiologist were very hopeful. I had started to feel the baby kicking and my husband and I had begun to read the baby Curious George stories, as we learned that by 19 weeks they can hear sounds outside of the womb.
I meditated and visualized my placenta attached firmly to my uterine wall, visualized my newborn baby, what it would look like, my eyes, his mouth, grandma's ears......
On a Friday December thriteenth (it would have to be Friday the thirteenth!)I went to the mall to finish up some Christmas Shopping and noticed a tightness around my lower belly. I went home and went to bed, only to awaken at 11pm in a pool of hot pink liquid. I flipped out, my heart stopped, and I started shaking all over.
At the hospital, the ultrasound revealed that the baby was alive and moving, but that the fluid was very low. My water had broken, and I was at risk for infection. The doctors explained all of the risks involved with continuing with the pregnancy, that the baby's lungs could not develop without fluid, that if the baby survived to 24 weeks it would be at high risk for brain damage, cystic fibrosis, death---And the baby was breach, so if I did make it to 24 weeks they would have to perform a verticle C-section which would put my uterus at risk for bursting with a subsequent pregnancy. Everything they told me was awful, and all the while I felt my little booboo baby kicking inside of me the whole time. The doctors said I could choose to induce labor or to have a D&E, to end the pregnancy, but that I would most likely go into labor in the next week or so. I steeled myself for the eventual loss, but nothing could have prepared me for what was coming. They continued to monitor me for infection.
I think I had been hoping beyond hope that somehow my amniotic sac would repair, that I would be the 1 in a thousand whose sac would refill with fluid. After a second ultrasound revealed that the fluid was still low, the high risk doc said I would most likely go into labor in the next two weeks if I weren't infected by then. She said the baby would most likely not survive. I cried and cried, as I watched my baby moving for the last time on ultrasound.
My doctor came in and held me.
That night I awoke in terrible pain. I thought something was going to come shooting out of my back side. I was in labor for about 7 hours with no epidural-- I still don't know why the nurse was not able to get a doctor sooner. I delievered the baby on December 18th-- a boy.
I am still dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of losing this very wanted baby. I can't talk to my friends who are pregnant, and it seems like they all are. I can't attend a baby shower, I can't handle seeing a new born. I don't know when I will ever be able to be normal again, I am forever changed by this loss. I feel so empty and so sad-- my poor baby never had a chance. I know this pain will go away someday-- I just can't see the light at the end of this tunnel right now.