The PPROM Page
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Tony's Post PROM Story

By Tony, Ft. Lauderdale, FL USA
. Delivery at 38 weeks.
Story added: 2003-02-05
My name is Tony, Tess’s husband. I posted our story in June of 2001, when my wife had experienced a PROM and we lost our twins. I hadn’t come back here to list any follow up, and thought it would be good to do so. After we lost our twins, we were obviously devastated. We waited about six months and went back to see our IVF doctor, Dr. Peress in Boca Raton, Florida. He explained to us that sometimes a PROM just happens, and there is no explanation or reason. He also told my wife that we didn’t need to wait, and if we wanted to try another IVF cycle, we could. I didn’t think my wife was ready, but to my surprise, she just said “let’s do it”. We did an IVF cycle with very good results, and she got pregnant. After I think it was 28 weeks, we did the gestational diabetes test and found out she had it. Other than that, it was a fairly normal pregnancy.

On June 27, 2002, our beautiful daughter Gianna Maria was born by way of a C-section. She weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces, and was about 21” long. I can say that we have been through a lot over the last five years, with the failed IVF cycles, and loosing the twins, but we never gave up, and in the end, when we got to hold our baby girl, all of the bad things faded away. I pray for all of you going through this, and hope that it works out. One thing I can say is never give up trying. I told my wife when we first started, I said “the only way we will give up, will be if the doctors tell us that it is impossible”. So far, that hasn’t happen. We are looking forward to trying again this year.

If you would like to read our PROM story, look it up in the list. It is marked 14:19 Tess.