The PPROM Page
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Lynda's PROM Story

By Lynda Turner, Toronto, Ontario Canada
PROM at 30 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 32 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2003-01-24
Sorry, this is going to be a very long story. But, I have a great need to write it all down. This pregnancy and birth was a very emotional event in my life.

This was my second pregnancy. My first had absolutly no complications and was a text book case - Sarah actually came on her due date. My second pregnancy started out with problems. I had light bleeding at 10 weeks and every week there after until the 24th week. I was initially diagnosed with placenta previa and told to take it easy, pretend I had two broken legs. In the 21st week they told me that my placenta was unusally large and thin and spread out all over my uterus. At 27 weeks, the doctor told me that the placenta had "moved" and I no longer had previa but that the placenta was still large and unusual looking (via ultrasound). He said there was nothing to worry about until delivery as such a thin placenta may have difficulties detaching from the uterus. Another thing to worry about!

From the ultrasounds, the baby was doing very well and looked healthy. With doctor's permission, at 29 weeks my husband, daughter, in-laws and I went out to Calgary to visit family. We were having a good time although my daughter had a bout of the flu and wasn't sleeping well. I was a little tired from some sleepless nights....

I will never forget for the rest of my life that Easter weekend of 2002. We all went to the local mall for some shopping. My brother-in law had commented on how old fashion my maternity clothes were (I had a lot of hand me downs). So I decided to head over to Thyme (a Canadian maternity store) and purchase some hip new clothes. Well, I picked out some pants and was about to try them on in the change room. Just as I bent down to take off my old pants, I felt a little gush. I thought that maybe with the baby sitting on my bladder and bending over that I had a little accident. I couldn't imagine that it could be anything else - although PROM did pop into my mind. But, really, after all I had gone through already - I couldn't believe my water broke. I quickly exited and headed to the nearest washroom. Fortunately, I had some panty liners in my purse. I continued shopping for another hour and then headed back to my sister-in-laws.

That afternoon, with my daughter down for a nap, I decided I needed one too. I got a good hour in and woke up refreshed. I got out of the bed and began to walk to the washroom... but I could feel this big gush coming out of me. I ran to the toilet and there was no denying now what had happened.

Fortunately, my sister-in-law lives near one of the best hospitals in Alberta, Calgary Foothills. I was given an internal exam and a fern test was taken. The whole time I was in the L&D I was leaking fluid. It was very scary. After about 45 mins, the intern came in and told me that I had indeed broken my membranes and that he would proceed to induce me. I was completely shocked. I said "but I am only 30 weeks....!!!" "Oh" he said. He thought I was full term. To this day, I wonder if I hadn't spoken up if he would have proceeded to induce me.

I was on bed rest for 10 days at Foothills. I was given antibotics that made me violently sick with horrible diarreha. At one point, I was in so much agony, I thought I was in labour. They also gave me steriods for baby lung development. The whole time I was in the hospital I had fluid leaking. Fortunately, my baby was doing well and growing. I was replacing all the fluid that I lost and was losing.

After 10 days, my doctor released me to go back to a Toronto hospital. He said I was fine to take a commercial airline, but I was to go straight from the Calgary hospital to a Toronto Hospital (he had it all arranged). Of course, our major concern was that I would go into labour enroute (although our doctor said he would never release me if he thought this would happen). Anyway, one of the weirdest events happened next. Since I was in a wheel chair I was allowed to board the plane first. I watched all the other passengers board. And to my surprise, the fourth passanger to board was my Calgary doctor! He actually had seats in front of us! He was on his way to a conference in Italy by route of Toronto. It was completely chance that he was on our flight! I am totally astounded to this day. What a peace of mind knowing that if anything was to happen that there was actually somebody there that knew my case and could help me. It was a real relief.

Well, I made it to Toronto with out incident. However, the time from the Calgary hospital to the Toronto Hospital took 8 hours (which incendently was longer than my labour - more details to follow).

I was checked into the North York Hospital on bed rest for a day and a half. They sent me home (Thursday afternoon) for bed rest. They told me that I had to come in every second day for a stress test, once a week for an ultrasound and once a week to see my doctor. It seemed like alot of walking and moving around for somebody who's supposed to be on bed rest.

My first stress test was on Saturday evening. Every thing looked good. No problems. And I felt really good and positive.

Well, the next after noon, I wasn't feeling all that well. Of course part of the care of PROM is to take your temperature every hour to make sure you didn't have a fever. I was told that if I showed any signs of flue like symptoms to come back to the hospital. By 3 pm, I had a slight fever of 99 oF. By 6 pm it was 102 oF and I was vomiting.

I was back at the hospital by 8 pm. They did an internal exam (which I thought they weren't supposed to do if you have PROM..!) and there was no indication that I was in labour - absolutely no cramping, contractions, softening of the cervix, dilation or anything. They put the monitor on and baby was fine except an accelerated heart beat due to my fever.

At 9 pm the doctor came in and said that I did have a fever but I wasn't in labour and the baby looked fine. He said that as a percaution they want to admit me for monitoring. However, should I go into labour, there was no room in the NICU for my baby. They had to call around to find a bed... and I might end up in Kingston, Ottawa, Hamilton or Buffalo (all long ways from home). Fortunately, the Newmarket South Lake Regional Hospital had space and it was arranged for me to go there. IT's about 30 minutes away from North York General.

Well, by 10 pm I was starting to feel some cramping. I went to the washroom and there was a bloody show. The nurse checked me and I was 1 cm! By 11 pm I was having contractions EVERY minute. I was in agony. The ambulance arrived to transport me. There was a student on board and one of the paramedics told him that he might like to sit in the back with me. I guess they thought it might be a learning experience should I have the baby in the back of the ambulance!! I thought no way in hell was that going to happen....!!!! The next 30 minutes felt the longest in my life.

By 12 pm I was 3 cm. Southlake was expecting a stable pregnant women with PROM and a fever. They were surprised to get a pregnant women with PROM, with a fever in full labour.

By 3:10 am I was fully dilated and ready to push. My labour lasted 5 hours. Rachel Grace entered the world at 3:27 am weighing 4 lbs 4 oz and 17 inches long. She had APGAR scores of 6 and 8. She was so tiny and had so much dark hair. She only needed a bit of pressured oxygen for about 12 hours. The L&D doctor said that he was glad that mother nature took over other wise it would have been his decision to make whether to induce me or not.

When the placenta came out - there was one main area and 4 succatariate lobes. It was very strange looking. But it did it's job.

Rachel was in an incubator for a week and was tube fed for two weeks. We took her home after 2 1/2 weeks in hospital. She was 35 weeks corrected age and weighed 4 lbs 9 oz! She was so tiny and so precious. By her due date she was 8 lbs 2 oz.

Rachel is now 10 months actual age and is a whopping 19 lbs! She is absolutly beautiful with no indication that she was born 8 weeks premature.