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Hugues And Anne's PROM Story

By Hugues And Anne, Montreal Canada
PROM at 17 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 30 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2018-02-09
Our Little Miracle boy. It was around 15th of December 2015, and my wife called from her work telling me she felt water in her panties. She went to the hospital right away to have some tests and they weren't sure it was amniotic fluid she had lost. We had to go back the day after the told us the horrifying news. She had PPROM and our embryo (which was conceived In Vitro) had only 10 to 20% of making it alive. They strongly recommended the abortion right away. Since the test had revealed that the baby was healthy and that the PPROM was not caused by infection but most likely a tear in the uterus, We were not at peace with abortion and asked to be transferred to a children hospital were they have more knowledge on these cases. In the meantime my wife was put to complete bedrest. The doctor told us that before 22 weeks the baby wouldn't live anyway so there was no rush to practice abortion and we prefered to let mother nature decide the faith of our baby. Around 19 weeks she started to have bleedings every two days or so. we have echo every week and the results were no good most of the time: mild to severe oligohydramnios. We were scared as hell that the lungs of our baby wouldn't develop and our baby wouldn't be able to breath upon term. I was so desperate that I have read somewhere on the Internet that for women who have the opposite syndrome of having to much amniotic fluid, to avoid Stevia natural sugar and Knorr gelly... so you can guess I gave my wife 3 times / day a cocktail of cranberry juice with 2 spoon of Stevia sugar and an envelope of gelly. We were in need of something to believe in. The weeks went by at 23 we took the final decision not to abort and hope for the best. The bleeding went worse every week after that and at the 27th week they kept her in the hospital to be able to monitor the baby several times a day. It went on like that until 30th weeks where the baby started to show signs of discomfort. My wife had C-section and poor baby was fully wrapped in his umbilical cord and in a very bad position. When they finally got him out of there, he was in bad shape and had an Apgar score of 1/10 but after one minute the miracle happened and was a 9/10 and the doctor told us he was alright. At that exact moment, I cried my whole life out and wasn't able to stop for 10 minutes or so. After that, It went fairly Ok, he needed breathing oxygen assistance and went through a small lung collapse but all in all everything was ok. We got out of the hospital after 8 weeks with O2 support for home with our living miracle boy. Victor his now a healthy 2 years old boy who lives a normal life. He his smart and charming and has a resilience my other child will never have. The only small thing is that he can get a bit out of breath when he runs like crazy. We are so grateful of having him and that the sacrifices we made were rewarded. My amazing wife was really resilient too and she did everything she could control to maximize our chances. I clearly remember reading all the post on this forum while my wife was bedrested trying to find some reassurance and hope that it was possible to have a good ending story with a 17 weeks PPROM. We now hope our story can provide you with that hope too. All best Anne and Hugues