The PPROM Page
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Annie's PROM Story

By Annie, Saskatoon Canada
PROM at 24 weeks + 4 days. Delivery at 28 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2016-07-06
We had trouble conceiving for 8 years. I had known multiple fibroid uterus and was scheduled to have surgery when we found out just minutes before taking me down to surgery that we were indeed pregnant (I was 8 days late but figured I was stressed). I was told initially that my fibroids weren't going to affect my pregnancy and up to 20 weeks, I was fine. Then at week 22, I started to experience abdominal pain and eventually what it felt like was contractions. I was taken to the hospital to the fetal assessment unit. They had hoped that the pain was due to fibroid "red generation" which meant that a fibroid could of been shrinking and causing pain. My cervix was closed but upon ultrasound it was found that my cervix had shortened from 4 cm to 1.5 cm. They figured that the fibroids were irritating my uterus causing my uterus to try to eject my fetus. They gave me med to stop the contractions and a 4 night stay at FAU. A pessary was put on my cervix, acting as a cerclage to keep baby in and I was sent home. The following week, another ultrasound showed some lengthing of my cervix but it had also started to funnel. I was also still sore so I stayed a week in bed. The following I felt better and I did a lot of running around including attending our first prenatal class. That night, at 24 weeks 5 days my water broke at 2 am!!! Once again I was admitted and had to stay there til I gave birth. So for four long weeks of blood work, NSTs, ultrasounds, and leaking amniotic fluid, I started to spot blood. They told me I might have an infection. I started to have contractions and they brought me in for a cesarean section. My son Was born with a big cry!! I got to see him before they whisked him away to NICU where he stayed for 3 months. He came home with a feeding tube and oxygen. And after 8 weeks all of that is now gone! He is a happy playful and babbling little man!!