The PPROM Page
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Addie's PROM Story

By Addie, Wichita, KS USA
PROM at 15 weeks + 6 days. Delivery at 29 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2014-05-28
I have been so excited to see how our story would end up on here!i seriously read every story on this website praying that mine would have a good outcome. This was our first pregnancy and it didn't start out easy. I had HEAVY bleeding at weeks 10, 12, and 14, which they chalked up to sub chorionic hemmoraging. Because of this we had already had several sonograms through out the pregnancy. At 16 weeks pregnant I woke up in the middle of the night to my water being broken. We went to our OBGYN the next day for a sono and heard the terrible news that we only had .7 cm of fluid :( We were freaked out, but didn't quite get what that meant yet. The next day we were sent to see a "high risk dr" who kindly broke us the news that our baby had less than a 1% chance of surviving at this point, and this dr had never had a patient have a successful delivery who PPROM'd this early. We were told that I would go into labor at any moment and we would lose our baby far too soon. They offered to induce and terminate the pregnancy. We said no. We were told to return to our "normal life" but I just couldn't. We cried for days and did nothing but watch Netflix (basically). My husband and I decided we weren't giving up. I put myself on bedrest and decided I would drink AT LEAST a gallon of water a day. The days and weeks went by and I was still pregnant. We went to our OBGYN weekly and had sonograms. Our fluid would fluctuate around (I was constantly leaking) and the highest it ever got during the pregnancy was 5.0 cm (we were thrilled). When we stumped everyone and made it to 24 weeks we decided to be admitted to the hospital for "extended monitoring" now that THEY decided our baby was viable. We received antibiotics at this point, magnesium, and the steroid shots for the lungs. Baby still wanted to cook so at 29 weeks pregnant we were STILL at the hospital :) then the drama happened... I had some "bloody fluid" at around 29 weeks and 3 days which didn't let up so we were sent to the Labor and Delivery floor. They kept us on the monitor all weekend and one morning at 29 weeks and 5 days I woke up to several nurses and drs trying to get babies heart beat up. They had put me on oxygen, were shoving in an IV port, and began prepping for a c-section when baby's heartbeat FINALLY came back up. They said if this happened again they wouldn't hesitate to deliver (they gave us a rescue dose of surfactant at this time). They monitored us for the next 24 hours and baby was perfect SO they wanted to send us back upstairs where we no longer would be monitored 24/7. I just couldn't do that. I told them I wanted to stay one more night until we could talk to our OB in the morning. Well we didn't even make it to the morning. Baby's heartbeat began to decel and they decided to check me right then. I wasn't dilated but was bleeding bleeding which indicated our placenta had abrupted. They rushed me off to the OR and my husband wasn't allowed to come back. They put me out, and ten minutes later, after losing a lot of blood, baby Grant was born crying!! (Dr had said had we gone upstairs as suggested our baby wouldn't have been born alive). They immediately put a ventilator in and wisked him off to NICU (where my husband got to meet him). He was born crying. It was a miracle birth. Baby weighed 2 lbs 9 oz and was 14.5" long. He was taken off vent and was put on the CPAP machine with no added oxygen hours after being born. He was off CPAP after a couple of days and has been breathing 100% on his own with no added oxygen since then. He is doing great still at a week old and they think he will be ready to come home in 7 weeks! He is still in the NICU but was moved to a different room for the "stable babies" whose next step is the special care nursery! His heart and brain scans came back perfect as well! There is so much more weirdness that happened during the birth and pregnancy so feel free to message me if you have any questions! We were given ZERO hope and slim chances by the doctors. But through so much prayer and faith our sweet miracle was born. Thank you Jesus :)