The PPROM Page
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Tricia's PROM Story

By Tricia, Belmont, NC USA
PROM at 21 weeks + 6 days. Delivery at 34 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2003-01-14
My story begins in 1993, in which I lost a beautiful son and twin girls to the diagnosis incompetent cervix. I have ever since tried to become pregnant and finally in May 2002 I became pregnant after my second try with IVF. (I have PCOS as well)

I found out I was pregnant in May 2002 and shortly thereafter found out I had developed a hematoma within my uterus (which is a blood clot). This clot grew to the point where Drs felt I would not carry the pregnancy. I defied the odds and passed the clot at 12 weeks.

At 13 weeks I had an abdominal surgery performed (since my twin pregnancy failed with the cervical cerclage), and this was necessary since I had been diagnosed with Incompetent Cervix. The surgery went great with no complications.

As time went on I felt so confident and then my water broke at 21 weeks and 6 days. The Drs again advised I would not carry and that 80% of woman go into labor or develop an infection within the first week. I was hospitalized till delivery and each week continued to defy the odds. I never did develop an infection and no labor and was able to retain some of the fluid. Amniotic fluid is replenished daily by the baby's urine. And I was able to keep some around the baby.

At 35 weeks the drs decided the risks were far greater if we continued since infection was a big problem. And they delivered my beautiful son named Emmanuel at 35 weeks. The concerns were if his lungs were mature (since the lack of amnioitic fluid) and if he had any infection. He remained in the NICU for 18 days for Respiratory Distress and Jaundice but is doing great. And his lungs were fine.

The Neonatologists, Perinatologists, Nurses, OB's still advise how lucky I was and that I was not the norm.. They also feel the hematoma that I developed earlier in the pregnancy could have compromised my sac therefore causing PROM.

I thank God for his strength that he provided, and his promises he fulfilled and wanted to post my story to help anyone who faces the same problems.