The PPROM Page
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A.'s PROM Story

By A., Florence,Ky united states
PROM at 29 weeks + 1 days. Delivery at 32 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2002-12-14
About 24/26 weeks began to get regular braxton hicks as they called them. About 28 weeks, they began to get very frequent and stronger, called concerned, and was treated like a "1st timer" which I was so? Anyhow 28w6d I explained something just wasn't right and requested to be seen. Well, I was given what I consider a very aggressive exam and bleed a considerable amount afterwards, that was even disregarded as no big deal. A couple days later my water broke and I rushed to the hospital. Was given steroids, and rushed to a more exp. hospital after a amnio. showing no infection, I was given brethine, mag. sulfate etc. to stop labor. Complete bedrest for 3weeks, COMPLETE, I was even in a slanted position. My dear daughter was born 3weeks later, weighing just 4lbs. 0 oz. she was doing everything a fulltermer was, just tiny. She remained in the nicu for 3weeks, as she did become very jaundice. At 3lbs, 13 oz I took her home. She has always been very excelled, inspite of. By her due date, she was already at 8lbs+. I truly give all glory to God, and thank the people who had us in their prayers always. My 2nd pregnacy was monitored very closely and I carried him all the way to a day before his due date. 8lbs 6oz!! So, it can happen. I was very concernced we would face the same challenges, but I got to feel what being pregnant in the last trimester was like. WOW. My advice to anyone considering or facing a subsquent pregnancy to see a perinatolgist. God bless all, and I hope this gives some helpful info.