By Yvonne, englandMy second late miscarriage, happened 10 weeks ago, since Daniel I had another early m/c. Then took 6 months to fall for Stephen. I was naturally anxious but when questioned the consultant said that the previous late one was probalbly due to the amnio so try not to worry As I had said I was not having another despite my advancing 38 years. At the time of the previous loss he said that there was no indication that the m/c was the result of the Amnio. any way everything was fine until 17 weeks when I started to have leakage. I went to my midwife who said it was quite normal do your pelvic floor excercises and did a urine test to check for infection . Negative. We went on holiday lukily only in England. the leakage continued at wk18+5 the baby seemed to sit on anerve the following day the leakage was less and baby moved of the nerve early evening when we returned to base I sat down to play with my 4 yr old daughter and suddenly there was a gushing of liquid. I was very frightened and not being at home called a local maternity unit who said it sounded like wee but since ther was discharge I should see Doctor for a swab to be taken . So we duly made an appointment at the local gp clinic. 1hr later the doctor was rude and inconsidereate, having told him what happened he seemed to think I was stupid for being unsure where th liquid was from But it ins not obvious. he also asked me why I was looking so scared . Maybe he needed foot high letters to spell it out. Anyway he did a strip test to test for amniotic fluid but it was negative and he said come back if any other problems didn't do a swab even though he said there was a lot of discharge as would take 4 days and I would have to come back and register as a temp patient. We returned to base a little reassurred but still very worried. On monday wk 19 we travelled to the next stop on our journey I had tummy ache all day which releived when I went to the toilet and I began to think the urine infection I was sure was there was to show its self. however it felt better for a while the suddenly lower abdominal pains coming and going not like labour pains I have felt before but enough to stop me in my tracks. I had decided to go to A&E anyway but when I went to the toilet there was blood in the urine so we went stright away.
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 19 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2002-11-24
They tested the urine and blood and the conclusion was that it was a urine infection the cervix was closed and there was not sign of infection in that area, because of my history and us being on holiday in a caravan they admitted me for the night. I had some painkillers and the pains were dying away any way.
At midnight I went to the toilet and felt that there was somthing not right somthing there the midwife said I could not be haing am/c as had no pain and the doctor said the cervix was closed. But to call if I had the feeling again at 3am I again went to the toilet and this time ther was no doubt my baby was coming. I made it back to the bed as Idid not want him to land in the toilet. Again I had a retained placenta but the wait was less.
My husband a daughter came back to the hospital as we were away from home he had no one to leave her with she was so good. She saw the baby when they brought him in, she got angry with him because he was red and angry, but shes only 4.
We agreed to a post mortem this time because we needd answers. The results showed an infection in the placenta and cord, and signs that the baby did not have enough water. My consultant now thinks that an infection may have attacked the membranes in both cases as ther were signs of an infective process in the latter case as well as in this one and is lookinfg at ways of treating with anti biotics as a preventitive measure next Time or regular screening.
both my babies Daniel and Stephen are buried together in our local cemetary, and I miss them dearly. I am not ready to give up uet.