The PPROM Page
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Lynette's Post PROM Story

By Lynette, Helena, AL USA
. Delivery at 36 weeks + 4 days.
Story added: 2002-10-18
I posted before that I was preg with twins after PROM at 24 weeks with triplets (Abby, Hunter and Emily...all in heaven). Well, I was on bed rest with the twins for 4 solid months, but I am pleased to say that I had a scheduled c-section at 36 1/2 weeks and gave birth to perfect, beautiful boy/girl twins named Hannah and Logan. They roomed in with me and came home with us when I was discharged. They are now 6 months old. I never thought I could do it, but I did. They are so much fun and such a gift from God. What a blessing! Know that it IS possible to carry and deliver healthy babies after having PROM in a prior pregnancy. Use lots of precautions and keep yourself healthy. It can be done!! Have faith. I know I searched endlessly for hope through other people's stories. I hope that someone reading this will find hope, too.