The PPROM Page
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Andrea's Post PROM Story

By Andrea Mallozzi, Medway, MA USA
. Delivery at 37 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2002-08-21
Fullterm first pregnancy
PROM Pregnancy -b/d 1/27/00 PROM 18wk, del.@26 wk
First PAP - miscarriage prior to 11 wks 6/01
Second PAP –

The cause of my PROM was undiagnosed going into my subsequent pregnancies. My Maternal-Fetal Med Specialist has ruled out infection as a cause and planned to watch my cervix closely. Many doctors will dismiss cervix as a cause if a woman had previously carried full-term.

I was seen every other week for an ultrasound starting at 8 weeks due to my previous 11 wk miscarriage and high risk status. At 12 weeks my activities were restricted to no lifting, no housework, and just taking it easy. I started having my cervix checked via transvaginal ultrasound every other week starting at 14 weeks. At week 18, one day after the day I had previously PROM’d, my cervix had shortened to 2.3 cm from previous measurements of over 4cm. There was also funneling. I was scheduled for an emergency cerclage that afternoon. The procedure went well. I was admitted overnight and the next day I had another cervical measurement. I was measuring 1.9 cm with funneling and a tiny foot in the funneled area. The doc doing the u/s was pessimistic and was not confident that I would make it 10 more weeks to 28.

At home, I was on complete bedrest. I stayed in bed only to get up to use the bathroom and to shower sitting down 2 times a week. Every week I would travel an hour plus to see my Maternal-Fetal Med Spec and to have a cervical u/s. Each week my cervix would be longer with funneling until week 23 when it was down to 2.3 cm. After that I averaged at about 2.7 cm and never got down to the stitch. At week 30, my last ultrasound, I was down again to 2.4 cm. After that point I was checked manually and at 32 wks was allowed to get up for one hour a day. At week 34, I was allowed to get up as much as I felt comfortable, but after 16 wks of bedrest my back was very weak and so I still spent quite a bit of time on my left side. Emotionally if I had a good cervical measurement, I felt good, if it was bad I would be extremely low and pessimistic about the outcome. The hard part was my cervix was very sensitive on the inside so any kicking or movement against it was painful and scary.

At 35 weeks the cerclage was removed. At 36 weeks I was 2.5 cm dilated and at 37 weeks I was 4 cm dilated. My induction was scheduled for two days later. I feared another fast labor and getting to the hospital on time. Once my water was broken, I went from 5 to 10 cm in 15 minutes and delivered 21 minutes after.

My baby girl weighed 6 lbs 7 oz and was a beautiful reward after over 2 and a half years of loss and struggles.