By PAMELA, WINSTON SALEM, NC USI recently loss a baby due to Premature Rupture Of te Membranes. I had a scan 3 days before it happen. Would the sonogram had sow that someting was going on with my cervix?
PROM at 20 weeksDelivery at 20 weeks.
Story added: 2002-06-18
I have the video of the whole scan and they never scanned the cervix and I had PROM 5yrs ago and was the same amount weeks(20) as this time. The Dr in the emergency room was shocked that I just had the scan a few days ago and when he scan me there the sac was in the birth canal already. I think he said someting about my cervix being hourglass.
I want to know, could tey have seen this or did someting before my sac entered my canal? Maybe stitch my cervix, bedrest, or medication to stop the contractions?
Please help me understand, did tey overlook something?