By Mary Yonker, Grand Rapids,Michigan USASince I had 2 Proms before and a M/C.I went and interviewed a few High Risk O.B's (Peri's),in my area.I had a tough time getting excepted to see them.They didn't feel I was High Risk yet...I didn't want to lose another baby.To prove that I was,so I told them I was Only going to see them,even if it ment We had to pay out of pocket.
. Delivery at 38 weeks.
Story added: 2002-04-21
We ended up getting a refferal from a family friend who was an O.B.And insurance covered it,and what ever didn't medicaid picked up!!
He checked me for infection..did blood tests.Put me on progestrone early on just in case I didn't have enough.But my blood test came back o.k.
I had ultra sounds WEEKLY(Vaginal)to measure my cervix.Which was 3.6mm-3.3mm toward the end.And was put on Zithromax to prevent any infection.Once a month my whole 2nd trimester.I was put on modified Bed rest no lifting, no sex,no working.I got out once a week,and didn't Lift anything!!!!
I drank a ton of water,got vitamin shots..along with my prenatel vitamins.Took Adophlias(sp?) pills to prevent yeast infections.
My son was full term 38 weeks,and I probly would have gone longer but I asked them to strip my membranes.I just wanted to see my little guy!!!!!!
He is Healthy and will be one May-28-02