The PPROM Page
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Paula's PROM Story

By Paula, USA
PROM at 23 weeksDelivery at 25 weeks.
Story added: 2002-01-04
I only wish I had found this site months ago. I have been on pins and needles for 8 months sure that I would be affected again by PROM in my current, and very unexpected pregnancy. After a rocky start with lots of mysterious bleeding, terrible nausea and fatigue, this pregnancy has been uneventful. We've made it to 35 wks so far and I guess the coast it clear - PROM now would be OK. I've been visiting a perinatologist nearly every week since week 18 to make sure my cervix is intact and that everything is going well.
I guess the events of my second child's birth were a one-time thing.

With him, my membranes ruptured at 23 wks, and thinking - like many others - that it was stress incontinence, I ignored it for 4 days. Once I finally called the OB, I was no longer in denial. Within hours I was being transported from the small local hospital I loved to a large, university-run complex. It was the worst ten minute ride of my life - I was sure I had lost the baby.
As soon as I arrived, a team of high- risk docs, residents, and students descended upon me. (I took out my contacts so I couldn't see their faces in detail, it was too painful to watch their expressions since they were all mostly very pessimistic). (I later learned that OB's as a rule are less optimistic about mortality and morbidity of preemies than Neonatalogists). Fortunately, the residents at this particular teaching hospital were extremely supportive and hopeful and determined to help me make it as long as possible - till baby was viable. I hung on until 25 wks, with very little fluid around baby, lots of tests, lots of drugs, and lots of fear about the potential outcome.
My son arrived after labor that was as long and painful as my first, full- term baby. (I thought it would have been a bit shorter and lighter). Miraculously, after 101 days in the NICU , including 7 weeks on a vent and many, many illnesses, my son came home on a nasal canula - and no other complications. Next week he will be 6 yrs old and aside from being incredibly thin - he is perfect (not even any asthma), bright, funny and a complete joy to be around.