The PPROM Page
© 1998-2025 Inkan

Tammy's PROM Story

By Tammy, Oaks, PA USA
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 24 weeks.
Story added: 1998-10-30
My husband and I decided I would go off birth control in March 1998. He had lung surgery in May 1998, while he was in the hospital I started having morning sickness, but chalked it up to stress. The week he got out of the hospital I was 1 week late. I took a HPT and it was positive!! We were thrilled. I had a blood test which confirmed I was pregant. Our first child!! I had my first OB appt a month later and found out not only was I further along than I thought, but I was having twins. We were ecstatic. We could hardly wait until our twins got here.
My pregnancy progressed with no complications, until I was 17 weeks along. I came home from work and had what I thought was a watery discharge. What did I know, I had never been pregnant before. It got a little worse and I wondered if I should call my OB. I stood up and had a small gush. I ran up and called my OB's office, and the doctor on call told me to come into the office first thing in the morning. I got there at 8:00 am and they did a test on the fluid, it was indeed amniotic fluid. They did an u/s to see which sac had ruptured. It was only one baby's sac and it had hardly any fluid. They told me that "the prognosis to continue the pregnancy was not good" and hospitalized me. I had no sign of infection. The leaking stopped and they kept me for 8 days. In that time, I developed no infection, my fluid reaacumulated and I did not go into labor. I was sent home on "modified bedrest" basically I could only do something if it could be done laying or sitting down. I also had to see my OB every week.

Things were going along fine. Then at 23 weeks and 4 days I felt some leaking. I ran up and called my OB's office. Due to my earlier PROM, they told me to go directly to the hospital. I got there even before the doctor's call to tell them to expect me. I was terrified, I kept telling my husband that I couldn't go through this again, I was lucky the first time but there was no way I would be that lucky again. Again, they tested the fluid, yes it was amniotic fluid. They did an u/s, it was the same baby's sac, but it wasn't as empty. I was having some contractions so they had to transfer me to a larger hospital. My hospital had no NICU. We got to the new hospital and my contractions stopped. The next day they did an u/s and one baby's heartrate was very low, it was the same baby whose sac had ruptured. It was decided I was to be in the hosptial until the end of my pregnancy. We were pretty sure the first baby was going to die, but we were hoping he would hold on so that I could safely deliver the second baby. Well, the next day an u/s showed that my first baby had died. 2 days later I went into labor .It was a farily easy labor, considering. My first son, Michael Jeffrey was stillborn and weighed 1 lb, 3 oz and was 11 1/2 inches long. Kevin Michael was born and taken directly to NICU. He wighed 1 lb, 2 oz and was 10 1/2 inches long. They told me the hospital had a 50%25 survival rate for babies born at 24 weeks I was 24 weeks and 1 day but a 0%25 survival rate for babies that small. I had delivery complications postpartum hemorrage due to a retained placenta so I could only spend 30 minutes with Kevin. He wasn't expected to live through the day. He lived for 13 hours.

They are doing tests on the placenta and did an autopsy on Michael. My sons were identical twins which means only 1 placenta for the 2 babies. They suspected Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. That is when blood is shared disproportionatley between the two babies. In that case, the baby that is not getting any can die due to anemia or the baby that is getting everything can die due to heart failure and have a larger amount of fluid due to more urination. Michael was the baby that was getting everything. The larger amount of fluid may have caused the sac to rupture. My last OB appt before my sac first ruptured was 2 weeks prior. Fluid could have built up that we didn't know about. He also may have died in utero due to heart failure from being the "receipient" baby.

This all happened on 9/30/98 as I type this the clock on my computer says 12:00 AM so it is now 10/30/98, exactly one month since I lost my twin sons. My firstborn ons.

Memorial page for my sons