By Anastasia, Philadelphia, PA USAEarly morning, September 3, 36 weeks 4 days, my water suddenly broke, as it had with my first.
PROM at 36 weeks + 4 days. Delivery at 36 weeks + 4 days.
Story added: 2001-10-01
I called the OB and he told me to come in in the next couple of hours. He wanted to start Pitocin at 6 AM. I was none too thrilled at that thought, but knew it was inevitable.
I arrived at the hospital at about 2:30 AM.I was check and I was the same as I was the week before, 2 cm., 50% effaced. I thought for sure I was in for another long haul. I started half attempts at contractions at 5, but they still started the Pitocin on a low dose.It was bearable, but when they wanted to increase I got an epidural.
I started to feel rectal pressure/pain around noon. I was clicking away at the epidural pump thinking the darn thing was broken!
The OB arrived just before 1 PM to check me. Fully effaced and dialated! He called the nurse who said she'd be right in after she check on another patient.
He started to set up and I felt like pushing. He said to give it a test. He then told me to stop until the nurse got there!
She arrived and I was able to hold my legs and James held my head. If I pushed for 10 minutes I'd be surprised because before I knew it Damian was here!!
We wept with joy at the difference in births. I was cautious of his breathing, but he came out yelling his head off and cleared out his lungs. James watched like a hawk as he was examined.
My baby was given right back to me and I started nursing. No NICU! He roomed in with me and had minimal problems.Low blood sugar, undesended testes, jaundice.
It was like night and day! I wish I could take back the 7 months of worry.