The PPROM Page
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Michelle's PROM Story

By Michelle, St Petersburg, FL United States
PROM at 16 weeksDelivery at 19 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2001-09-18
I became pregnant almost exactly 2 years following my husband's vasectomy reversal. We have two older children and after the second was born we had decided to have the vasectomy. Six years later we greatly desired more children and had the reversal.
Within a week of finding out we were expecting, I started to spot. I had spotted with our first child at 6 weeks and with our second at 11 weeks, so I didn't panic at first but after a week, I finally called my dr. and she sent me for a blood test. The test revealed low levels of progesterone so I was put on progesterone suppositories for the next 6 weeks. I continued to spot even after the progesterone levels were up to a normal level.
At 16 weeks, my water broke while I was sleeping. I thought I had lost bladder control and so I showered and changed and went back to bed. I didn't leak anymore so I thought it must have had something to do with my position while I was sleeping. The next evening I was sharing what had happened with my sister-in-law and she said she would have thought it was her water-that made me think again about what had happened. I didn't really think it could be my water because I didn't leak anymore and I had always heard that you would continue to leak if it was.
I called the dr. the next day and the nurse said she didn't think it was either, but that I could come in if it would make me feel better and they would check. They did a sterile exam-just in case-but didn't find any fluid in the vaginal canal and what little they could get, they tested but it was negative for amniotic fluid. They couldn't find the baby's heartbeat though so sent me in for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed only 1.6 cm of fluid around the baby.
My dr. did offer me the option of termination but I told her there was no way I could terminate a baby that was still living. She was very understanding and did not push that option. The only thing they did warn was that if I did develop an infection, they would insist on inducing. So, I came home feeling unsure and afraid. I came to this site and printed all the positive stories and went to bed.
The following Monday I went back for another ultrasound and my fluid was up to 2.0 cm. Not a big gain, but still a gain. That Friday I had another ultrasound and it was up to 3.2 cm. We were very happy. I still had not had any leaking and since we were gaining fluid, I was hopeful that the rupture had sealed. They decided that I could just come in once a week for an ultrasound and white blood cell count.
That following week, I had my first leaking. I was not sure what that meant, but my baby was still very active and so I knew that we would keep going anyway. That Friday, my fluid was back down to 2.0cm -not good but at least there was still fluid. The next week I leaked everyday, but on Friday, my fluid was back up to 3.0 cm.
That Saturday, I leaked a little fluid and it had a red tinge to it, so I called the dr. right away. They said that as long as that was all it was, just to stay down and wait until Monday and come in for another ultrasound. On Monday, my fluid was at 3.1 cm and for the first time, they could see the baby's kidneys. All the measurements they took showed that our baby was growing and despite all the bad circumstances, was exactly where it should be for that stage in my pregnancy. They did see that I had placenta previa, so they thought that that may be where the red had come from on Saturday night.
Tuesday, I began to have cramps at around 9 am. I called the dr's and they said to come in at 11:50 am. At around 11 am I had a bowel movement and the cramping seemed to stop. I called the dr again and they said to wait and see what happened (so that I didn't have to move anymore than necessary). At around 12:30 pm, I began to have contractions. (before, it was just vague cramping, this time it was definitely contractions) I called the dr. again and was to go in at 2:20 pm. My husband came home and we went to the dr's. They did another sterile exam and said that it did not appear that my cervix was dilating. They did another ultrasound and said there was no fluid around the baby so they sent me to the hospital for observation and to have a white blood cell count and urinalysis. The urinalysis showed a bad bladder infection so I was eventually started on IV antibiotics. By that time the contractions were only 2 minutes apart and I was in a great deal of pain. They gave me Stadol for the pain and finally at 1 am, my husband and I tried to get some sleep. From about 1 until 4 am , the contractions had pretty much stopped, so we were hopeful that it had been the bladder infection that had caused them.
At 4 am I got up to use the restroom and when I was done, I could feel our baby coming out. They called my dr and she came in-our little girl was delivered at 4:25 am. She was perfect and lived for about a 1/2 hour. We named her Hope and were able to spend some time holding her and loving her. A little later in the morning, my mother-in-law brought our other children up to the hospital to see me and our daughter decided that she wanted to see her baby sister. Our son chose not to. We all wanted this baby very much so it has been difficult to accept. I was okay in the hospital but had a very hard time at home. I had been on bedrest for nearly 4 weeks and had been drinking 160 oz of water daily. Now I was able to be up and doing normal things again and I didn't know how to deal with the change.
We will try again, but it took two years to concieve Hope, and I'm already 35.
We do trust completely that God is in control, but our desire for more children is so strong that this is one of those things that I'm struggling to let go of.

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