The PPROM Page
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Maribelle's PROM Story

By Maribelle O'Brien, San Diego CA USA
PROM at 16 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 37 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2000-08-18
I didn't know about PROM until after I exprienced my PROM on January 29, 2000. I was only 16.2 weeks at the time of the rupture. I felt intermittant leaking during that afternoon and suddenly I felt spurts of fluid leaking. My husband took me to the ER where the doctor on call confirmed that my amniotic sac had ruptured. The outlook was grim and he told me that I would miscarry within 24-48 hours. I was sent home to watch for infection, bleeding, labor, to increase fluid intake and complete bedrest until I saw my regular ob doc the following Monday.

My husband immediately began to research PROM and found this site which gave me hope that my baby would make it even though the chances were so slim.

I was relieved that I didn't run into any complications over the weekend and saw my ob's associate for a follow-up appointment. On ultrasound, it revealed that I had completely lost all of the amniotic fluid and my baby was encased in the uterus. The doctor recommended that both my husband and I terminate the pregnancy due to all the complications involved with such an early rupture. Due to our religious beliefs, we told the doctor we would not terminate the pregnancy since our baby's heart was still beating and we wanted to take it day by day.

The following day, my own ob called me into the office and wanted to discuss my situation with him. He, too, recommended on terminating the pregnancy. He was even explaining the procedure and ready to schedule it that following morning. But we declined and he referred us to a perinatologist.

Our appointment with the perinatologist went well and he explained in detail the various complications to both baby and I. He told us that it would be less than 1% chance for us to deliver a healthy baby to term since I had such an early rupture and all my fluid was lost.

I was followed by my ob and the peri specialist for 3.5 weeks with weekly ultrasounds still showing no fluid around my baby. I could feel my baby's movements and continued to pray for her.

I remember asking my doctor at 19 weeks if I would ever reseal and he told me that it would be impossible since I had already gone nearly 3 weeks without fluid. He still recommended that we terminate the pregnancy.

A few days later, I had another ultrasound and amazingly I had reaccumulated some fluid and measured in at a "low normal". The following week, all my fluid apparently came back and my leaking had stopped. My baby had amniotic fluid for her lungs to develop!! My doctors could not believe it. She was a miracle in progress!!

During the first 7 weeks after my PROM, I was on complete bedrest and continued with increased fluids. After my fluid levels had returned, I was told I could be on moderate bedrest. I had experience some preterm labor during 24- 28 weeks and I was recommended to take it easy.

When I had reached 34 weeks, my ob wanted to schedule my c-section at 37 weeks due to my history of a uterine rupture in 1997. I was scheduled to have an amnio at 37 weeks to check baby's lung maturity on June 26th, 2000 at 9:00am and the c-section was scheduled for June 27th, 2000 at 10:00am. Well, my baby had other plans... on June 25th, 2000 at about 11:00pm while I was in bed doing my fetal counts, I felt a strong jolt and my water broke. My husband and I headed to the hospital that evening. I gave birth via c-section to my daughter, Marisa Kaitlyn O'Brien on June 26th, 2000 at 1:40am. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 1 oz and 18 inches long. Aside from a hyperextended right leg at birth which is now healed, she is healthy and doing well.

I thank God for my miracle baby every day!! Only he knew what plans were in store for my child during this difficult pregnancy. I prayed daily to keep strong during this emotional time.

Thank you for reading my story.
Maribelle O'Brien