The PPROM Page
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Robyn's PROM Story

By Robyn Markelz, Milwaukee, WI USA
PROM at 32 weeks + 7 days. Delivery at 35 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2001-06-06
At 32 weeks my water broke and I went to the hospital thinking I would go into labor. The tests showed that it wasn't amniotic fluid and sent me back to work. I knew in fact that it wasn't urine and continued to leak that night. I packed my bag and told my husband in the morning I wasn't coming home. I called the doctor and went in and was told that my water did break and went was admitted to the hospital. I never went into labor. I continued to leak until 35 weeks where I begged to be induced. I was in labor for 15 hours and Megan came out not breathing and was put on a ventilator and rushed to the NICU. She did great and we took her home 7 days later.