By Chandria, Jersey City, NJ USAHello Ladies,
. Delivery at 38 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2000-11-05
I have been a member of the PROM pages for one year now, and I have meet so many new and wonderful friends.
My story start's out five months after the birth of our son Jahani in 1992, I was broad sided by a car full of drunken teenagers in a stolen car (the youngest one was 11). I was hospitalized for 3 months with a broken pelvis, collar bone and fractured ribs.
When my husband and i decided to have more children I went to a fertility specialist and he gave us the ok to try.
Two months later I was pregnant. At around 7 weeks I was spotting and the doctor told me it was nothing to worry about. He said most women spot, and that their bodies have to ajust to being pregnant. To make a long story short, from 1992 until 1999 my husband Ronald and I have suffered 4 late term pregnanies and one 5 week loss.
In October of 1999 I became pregnant once again. After reading a book by Dr. Jonathan Scher called Preventing miscarriages I decided to go to his office on Park Avenue (NYC) and see what it was all about.
When Dr. Scher & dear Dr. Plotnick sat me down and explained their course of aggressive action I broke into tear's. For som reason I knew evrything was going to be OK.
After 8 months of bedrest 2 months in the hospital, Heparin and baby asparin thearapy and gestational diabities my darling, beautiful, angelic Chantelle is here (07-20-00).
Thank You GOD!!!