The PPROM Page
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Amy's PROM Story

By Amy, Sioux City,Iowa USA
PROM at 34 weeks.
Story added: 2000-04-11
I had been suffering from borderline HIP and was told to take it easy, I could still work because I work in an office. I went to my Dr's appointment and after telling my husband that it was ok for him not to go because it was so close to the time he had to be at work nothing would happen. I was examed by the nurse and was told to lie on my left side, because my BP was still elevated. She went to go get the doctor to finish my appointment, and While she was gone I felt a funny pressue, I thought that it might be gas pain or some thing. I then felt what I can only describe as a "balloning" sensation in my vaginia and then a gush.

I didnt lose a lot of fluid, I asked told the doctor and he examined me and sent me to the hospital. At the last appointment he had told us that the baby was big and might possibly be older than what we thought but he was not sure. Anyway up to the hospital. I have been on bed rest, and am writting this from my hospial bed. He says that if I go into labor he will not stop it but he plans to induce me in four days.