The PPROM Page
© 1998-2024 Inkan

Suzanne's PROM Story

By Suzanne,
PROM at 33 weeksDelivery at 33 weeks.
Story added: 1997-10-23
GlennThis was my first pregnancy and was completely uneventful up until the Big Event. Glenn was born Tuesday Sep. 26. On Sunday, I started having strong menstrual-type pains that sent me to bed all day Sunday and Monday (my book said that menstrual-type contractions were a sign of false labor, so I didn't call my doctor). Tuesday I felt fine. I went to the dentist, did some shopping, picked up my Mom and had dinner with her and Dad at their house (DH had to work late that night).

After dinner, at 6:00pm, my water broke while I was drying dishes; I knew something was wrong. It didn't feel like I'd wet myself and a trip to the bathroom confirmed my suspicion. Contractions started on the way to the hospital (first contration at 6:30pm). By the time my OB checked me at 7:00pm, I was fully effaced, 1cm dilated with strong contractions 2 minutes apart. I thought for sure they'd stop the labor, but he told me they were going to deliver Glenn.

After a very speedy labor, Glenn was born at 10:10pm. He was surprisingly large, he suffered from RDS. Our preemie experience was a moderate one. Glenn spent 3 days under the oxyhood then 3 days on the ventilator. He spent a total of 1 week in the NICU and 3 weeks in the Extended Care Nursery. He just turned two, and has had no lasting side effects of his prematurity.

No reason was ever given to me for my PROM. I was negative for GBS (they tested after the premature birth).