The PPROM Page
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Suzanne's PROM Story

By Suzanne, Washington, D.C. USA
PROM at 15 weeksDelivery at 16 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2012-11-18
I had some bleeding throughout my pregnancy, but it was always explained as implantation bleeding or spotting due to a sensitive cervix. At 14 weeks, I had pink spotting that increased to bleeding. Two sonograms that week showed that the baby was healthy and everything looked fine -- no placenta previa or SCH. The doctors advised me to avoid exercise and sex but said that the bleeding obviously wasn't affecting the pregnancy, so not to worry. The next day, at 15 weeks, my bleeding became more watery and quickly increased to huge gushes of fluid. By the time we reached the ER, I was soaked in fluid. Remarkably the sonogram at the ER showed that the baby was fine and my fluid levels looked normal. They advised that I could have a yeast infection and to follow up the next day with my doctor. The next morning, the sonogram showed no fluid. My OB advised me to have a D&E as soon as possible due to the risk of infection. We were in shock and decided to wait out the weekend and see a specialist on Monday. The specialist also advised termination and said that the baby could not develop lungs without fluid, although the baby's heartbeat was still strong (151). She said that, in her opinion, I likely had a SCH that did not show up on sonograms but had weakened the membrane. We continued to wait and I put myself on bedrest and drank tons of water and juice. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic and we took my temperature every few hours. As the week went on I started to leak less often, which raised my hopes. The next Monday (at 16 weeks 4 days, one week after seeing the specialist), we went for another sonogram and found that the baby had no heartbeat. We were completely heartbroken. I had a D&E two days later. We were glad that we waited and gave our baby a chance, and thankful for the resources we found on this site and elsewhere. My heart goes out to anyone in this situation.