By Breanna, Great Falls, SC USAI became pregnant on the pill in 2010. I was 16, and very scared. If I had known how scarey it would get, I'm not sure I would have had any hope! At 7 weeks, a progesterone deficientcy was discovered when I went to the doctor bleeding. I was put on a progesterone supplement and bedrest until 14 weeks. Everything started to go pretty smoothly. I found out we were having a little girl, and she was quite the squirmer. At 23 weeks, 2 days before my fiance's birthday, I was rushed to the hospital gushing blood. An ultrasound couldn't seem to find the cause, and the bleeding stopped, so they didn't think it was anything to be concerned about. I was sent home. A few days later I came to the hospital contracting. I was 80% effaced, and 2cm dialated. The doctor saw I had watery discharge, and decided to test it for amniotic fluid. When the test came back positive, he started antibiotics, fluids, and mag via IV and gave me steroid shots. They sent me to a hospital an hour away with a NICU. My labor stopped and after a week, I was sent home. I was on full bed rest, got weekly ultrasounds and NSTs 2x a week. My fluid levels never dropped very low, but I would leak amniotic fluid everytime my levels got over 7. It was determined to be a high leak. I went into premature labor 3 more times before the leak healed at 34 weeks. I became anemic and was put on iron in that time as well. At 35 weeks, I had to be induced due to preeclampsia. My daughter is now 21 months old and reaching all her milestones ahead of time, and I am currently 15 weeks PAP, but possibly started leaking amniotic fluid yesterday due to a SCH.
PROM at 23 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 35 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2012-11-09