By Miriam Breton, New Jersey USAI´ve been reading this site for the last 3 months. sorry for my english, it is not my native language. I had my baby boy Sebastian at 34 weeks via emergency c-section, because of PPROM I had a small placental abruption and hypertonic uterus that caused lack of oxygen to the baby, probably because of the lack of fluid, cord compression, I don´t know. He was breech. He was 17 days in the NICU, but he didn´t make it. The hardest thing ever =(, it´s like living hell. It´s been almost 4 months now and we want to try again, but I´m very very scared. I´ve read many stories. Many with successful endings, but other with more than one PPROM. If it happens again I hope it does at 34 weeks at least, or when the baby has many probabilities. I hope I can come back here when I have my healthy full term baby. If it is a boy he will be Javier, if it´s a girl Cristina or Sabrina.
PROM at 34 weeksDelivery at 34 weeks.
Story added: 2012-09-05