The PPROM Page
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Kris's PROM Story

By Kris, DeSoto, TX United States
PROM at 22 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 22 weeks + 4 days.
Story added: 2012-06-21
I had a difficult pregnancy from the beginning with lots of bleeding, etc. I was on progesterone, 17P, modified bedrest, etc. At 16 weeks, my cervix started softening. At 22 weeks, 2 days, I woke up at 3 am with a gush of water. I called my doctor and explained that my water had broken. She admitted me to the hospital and confirmed that my membranes had indeed ruptured. The doctor gave me the option of terminating, but I refused. The following evening, the doctor released me and said there was nothing she could do until I hit 23 weeks. She didn't want me sitting in the hospital those days until then - and she would re-admit me the day I turned 23 weeks... if we made it that far. That night, I got up to use the restroom, and when I wiped, I found an umbilical cord. We called an ambulance who rushed me to a different hospital, but it was too late for my little angel. They induced me, and she was born around 3:45 am the following morning, September 9, 2010.