The PPROM Page
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Anthea's PROM Story

By Anthea, San Diego USA
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 27 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2012-04-30
When I began leaking after an amnio at 17 weeks I, like most people on this board, was given those numbers..10% chance of making it to 24 weeks and 5% of getting much further. I was given the option to terminate or go on strict bed rest. I stayed on bed rest at home for 6 weeks and then was admitted to the hospital at 23 and a half weeks where I remained until I delivered. I read the positive posts on this site over and over again. They kept me sane and focused. I hope my post can do the same for someone else. After the first leak I did have massive bleeding and they were sure I was about to miscarry. The bleeding eventually stopped. I did have a period of time where I stopped leaking from 18-22 weeks. My bed rest became modified and then one night I had another gush and the leaking started all over. My water levels went from 0-5 after that. I leaked almost everyday. Somedays many times a day, then sometimes I would go a couple of days with no leaks. The main thing is to stay pregnant with no infection. The amount of water in there is not so significant. I made myself crazy counting amounts that I leaked every day and thinking about my little guy with very little fluid but actually babies can really survive on very little! I did drink water CONSTANTLY and I think that helped a lot. He decided to come out at 27 weeks 6 days. I had a vaginal delivery with no complications. He weighted 2 pounds 11 ounces. We had the typical roller coaster in the surgery for his tummy (which had nothing to do with the PPROM.) On and off oxygen (also just a typical preemie thing) He came home 2 weeks past his due date because his feeding wasn't going so well at first. (again just a preemie problem) He did come home on Oxygen and was on for 3 months but he is now off of it. He is a perfect gorgeous happy baby. None of his issues were caused by lack of fluid. The tummy surgery caused him to be intubated for a week which scarred his lungs and made it hard for him to get off 02. He survived the lack of fluid very well. Please email me with more questions. I know how you feel and how much you need and want answers and stories of happy endings. I am so happy to be able to tell mine. My email is Hang in there! It's worth it.