By Renee,My membrane ruptured at 29 weeks. I was then hospitalized for 5 weeks, when they induced labor. My baby was born at a good weight but premature in every other way. He was unable to nurse or void wastes properly. He was sent by ambulance to a larger teaching hospital at 5 days of age. They were to test him for Hirschsprung's disease, in which individuals are born without nerves in the lower intestine and rectum area. At seven days he came home. By 1 monthe of age my son had not gained any weight. on April 2nd. he was again transferred by ambuland, but this time on a repirator. He was too weak to properly fight off infection and had developed pneumonia. After 5 weeks, he came home again.We know now that he has a metabolic disorder in which he burns up calories too quickly. Breastmilk could not even be used due to its not having enough calories. His formula is 27 calories per ounce. We then add corn starch to it. Butter has been added to his food. Other than being small my son is ok.
PROM at 29 weeksDelivery at 34 weeks.
Story added: 1999-01-04
However, we are watching him very closely.