The PPROM Page
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Sabrina's PROM Story

By Sabrina Di Ppaolo, Toronto, Ontario Canada
PROM at 15 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 25 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2011-09-16
I pProm'ed at 15w3d on July 6,2011. All I felt was a small bubble-like burst down there and a gush of water come out. I took. Another step and more water came out. I thought I had lost control of my bladder. When I went to the washroom, my pantyliner was wet right through but my clothes were not. I thought maybe because the baby is getting bigger, it's putting more pressure on my bladder. I went to my ob, who said she wasn't too worried about it, and that if it happened again to go straight to the hospital. Almost 2 weeks later, after a long morning walk, I had some bright red, very watery bleeding. No pain at all, just bleeding. We went to the ER. The ultrasound showed that my membranes had ruptured and that there was very little fluid around baby--almost none. No reason explained for the bleeding nor the ruptured membranes. I was immediately put on bed rest and seen by a MFM who continued to see me every week. We had weekly ultrasounds to check the baby and measure it's fluid levels. We didn't have any measurable fluid until about 21 weeks, 0.4 cm, then 0.6 cm, then 1.4 cm! We were so excited that fluid levels were going up! At this time I could begin to feel my baby moving was the most precious thing ever! I grew more and more in love with my baby. Bed rest was very difficult, the mental anguish was nearly unbearable. I became very informed about this condition and did lots of research online. All I could do was fight for my baby until viability. We were told to terminate so many times, but it wasn't even an option for us. I fought so hard to let the doctors know I was not giving up on my baby. I was admitted to hospital at 24w1d. I was really happy to get to the hospital because I knew I was in a top level facility that would do everything they could to save my baby. I moved in and was planning to be here until 35 weeks. I was monitored 4 times a day...hearing the baby's heartbeat was what helped me get through the dark moments. Baby also began moving soo much in this time.....I loved that feeling! Everything showed up fine each and every day. On September 14, 25w2d, my baby's heartbeat was a tiny bit faster than it had been the last 10 days. I noticed it right away that morning, but because it was still within the normal range, the nurses were not alarmed by it. I was feeling great the entire day. I felt one sharp back pain at about 6 pm but attributed it to laying down all day long. I felt different that evening, slightly unlike myself, I attributed it to being tired. I went to bed at about 10:30. At about 11:30, I began to get back cramps that radiated right around to my front lower abdomen. I felt some pressure near baby but no real pain. I began to time the cramps, they were coming every 5 minutes. Initially I didn't believe they were contractions because I seemed to tolerate the pain and I always they'd be much worse. The doctor came in and checked my cervix: not dilated. He said they might be contractions but they might not either. He advised to get some rest. About 1.5 hours later, the pain had not subsided and I still hadn't slept. The contractions were more timed, every 3-7 minutes and had increased in severity but still manageable. In called the nurse back in who could definitely pick up some uterine activity and was able to get my contractions on the monitor. The doctor returned at about 4am, did an ultrasound and manual exam. He said my cervix was about 3 cm dilated and could feel a hand or foot. I was rushed to the OR, and prepped. My husband arrived by about 5:10am. They started on me at about 5:15. My son, Alessandro Ernesto Di Paolo was born at 5:37am on September 15, 2011. They whisked him off to the nicu room ASAP to resuscitate him. He was breathing with 40% oxygen. He even took a breath of room air! My husband was able to see him alive and heard one of his faint cries. I was moved into recovery and could not hold my son. I was then moved back to my room to recover. That's where I waited and waited. It felt like forever. The doctor came in and updated me as often as possible. He kept me informed of every step they were taking. they were doing everything possible. Alessandro went up and down, he would do really great, then he would nearly crash. They would try something else, then he would crash. The doctor came in at about 11am to tell us his heart was giving out. I was rushed to the nicu. I was able to see my son and feel his warm little body, he was so beautiful! He looked just like my handsome husband--just as I had asked God for! We were able to spend as much time with him as we needed. They too, all his tubing off and I got to hold him for hours. He was precious. I like to believe his heart actually stopped while i was holding him. He was alive for 7 hours. But his little underdeveloped lungs were just too small. The doctor said that he would have probably had had little oxygen in his brain as well, and his quality of life would have been extremely poor. I was on bed rest for a total of 7 weeks. I took vitamin c and e supplements in addition to my prenatal. I drank 2 litres of water every day. I did whatever I could to try and keep my baby inside me. While i was holding him, I got to tell him everything I wanted to. I told him where his name came from and how much me &his daddy loved him. We gave each other Eskimo kisses, rubbing his nose with mine felt so good. One of the nurses was able to baptize him, so he could grow his angel wings. I wonder if I will ever get over this, how the pain will subside. I will never forget you my little angel, Alessandro Ernesto Di Paolo. You are in my heart always. Mommy