The PPROM Page
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Emma's PROM Story

By Emma, Lincolnshire U.K
PROM at 17 weeksDelivery at 31 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2011-07-16
I hope that telling my story it will give others hope! My waters went at around 17 weeks but the doctors wouldnt belive me, they kept telling me i had wet myself,which i knew was totally wrong! It was only when we went to our routine 20 week scan that they noticed my water levels were low. They sent me to a city hospital for a more detailed scan where they told us that my waters had ruptured and that my water levels were far to low and that our baby wouldn't survive. This was such a shock to hear as we had never heard of this happening before.... when we saw my consultant he told us we should terminate the pregnancy as the chances of our baby surviving was really low... It didn't take us long to decide that we had to give our baby a chance and not give up on him.... The next 10 weeks were spent in and out of hospital having scans and blood test as well as being admitted a few times due to bleeding . On the 20th November 2009 our son Logan decided it was time to be born so at 31 weeks 1 day gestation he made his way into this world, we nearly lost him during labour as his heart rate kept dipping but eventually he made it safely , he weighed 3lb oz and was whisked straight to special care where he spent 2 weeks gaining weight until he was strong enough to come home home . Our little boy is now 19 months old and walking everywhere! We are so glad we didn't listen to the doctors and went ahead with the pregnancy . He is our little miracle who we all would be lost without x