The PPROM Page
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Jaclyn's Post PROM Story

By Jaclyn Edwards, Nacogdoches, TX USA
PROM at 30 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 31 weeks.
Story added: 2011-07-16
I've had two pprom babies. I was followed closely with my second pregnancy because my water had broken with my first baby at 35 weeks. I had a short cervix and I had some bleeding when I went into labor at 26 weeks. They gave me steroids for his lungs, put me on bedrest, and I took Procardia & progesterone. My water broke at 30+2 weeks (slow leak), but L&D sent me home saying it wasn't. They gave me antibiotics saying maybe I had the start of a UTI. Five days later, at 31+0 weeks, I was back with full blown labor and they told me that it was indeed broken and I had been leaking fluid for those 5 days. They put me on hospital bedrest but my son was born less than 10 hours after labor started. He was 4 lbs 7 oz and he spent 18 days in the NICU. No oxygen, but he had trouble gaining weight so they supplemented my breast milk. His low weight was 4 lbs 1 oz and he came home at 4 lbs 15 oz.