The PPROM Page
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Rachel's PROM Story

By Rachel, Essex UK
PROM at 16 weeksDelivery at 38 weeks.
Story added: 2010-12-24
To anyone who reads my story, please remember miricals do happen.

Well here is my story, and I am so pleased I'm able to write this as a happy ending.

I unexpectantly fell pregnant when I was 19 years old, I found out on the 31st December 2008.both me and my partner were both shocked but very happy.
at 7 weeks pregnant I started to bleed a little and have abdominol cramps, so I was sent to have a U/S, everything was fine so they sent me home.
I went for my 12 week scan (at 13 weeks) and once again everything was fine and bubs was growing perfectly.

My pregnancy was uneventfull untill I went for my 20 week scan.
As I layed there, I knew something wasn't right, when they finally called my OH in they explained to us that there wasn't enough water around the baby, she called someone else in to confirm this.
They told me that the AFI was 1.8 with the deepest pool of 0.8. And that I needed to go across to MAC.

At this point I didn't overly consern myself as wasn't told what the normal AFI was, however when I went across to them I was seen straight away, put on a monitor and had my bloods taken.
The hospital was so busy and it wasn't untill I saw the doctor about 30 mins later that I really spoke to anyone.
The doctor that I saw said to me, "your baby dosnt have enough water to survive, I highly suggest that you consider a termination at this stage"
Well after that shock a nurse interupted and went and spoke to the doctor (she had a real go at him) she came back in and said it was our decision and that she understood it was a lot for us to take onboard.
That nurse was fantastic! She gave me that small bit of hope to carry on with the pregnacy.

They wanted to keep me in for obs for 24 hours as they thought I was going to go into labour, however as my parents were due to return from holiday the next day I said no and went home, on the condition if anything happened that I would go straight back.

Well nothing happened so I was booked into see a specialist at kings college hospital in london for when I reached 24 weeks.
They advised me my baby could be born with club foot, pulmery hyperplasia and most deffinatly be a premmie.

I saw them at kings another 3 times after this appointment as my fluid levels kept fluctuating and my daughter was IUGR.
Meanwhile I was going to my local hospital 4 times a week for internal tests, blood pressure, urine tests, ultrasounds (doppler and growth) and to see a consultant every 2-4 weeks.

The decision came at 28 weeks that if I managed to get to 32 weeks they would c-section due to baby prob not going to make it through a natural labour, I got to 32 weeks and a different consultant said no that they would induce me at 34 weeks.
So I got to 34 weeks and booked in to be induced, I was allowed to see where my daughter was going to be staying in the special care unit.
After that I was given the first lot of gel, wait for 6 hours then given the 2nd lot. By this point I was beginning to worrie as nothing was happening. I was given the 3rd lot and told that they wouldn't be giving me any more and that if this didn't work they would have to do a c-section the next day.
Luckily for me the hospital had a influx of women in labour, so they took the decision to send me home that morning.
I went home to my parents home to have a BBQ with some close friends, I went too the loo to fing that I had lost my mucus plug, so I thought that's it I'm going to have her.
I was taken back into hospital and had to stay in over night. Nothing happened so I went home again.
I had another scan and consultant told me that my daughter had stopped growing so I needed to have her out now.
So once again I was booked in to be induced.
By this point I was 38 weeks pregnant.
I was given the first lot of gel, and then went for a walk(something I wasn't able to do when I was induced before) still nothing happened so was given the 2nd lot, at 11pm they told me they would c-section me in the morning if nothing had happened.
At aprox 3.30am the remainder of my waters (about 1/4 of a cup) broke, I called the midwife who said it wasn't possible as there was nothing on the floor (at this point I was screaming at her in my head READ MY NOTES)
I contacted OH and my mum to let them know something was happerning.

At about 6am my contractions started so I had some paracetamol, my mum arrived shortly after 8am, I then had a shot of pethadine and at about 11 I was moved to the delivery suit. My OH turned up and contactions were getting worse and worse, I had an epidural (that lasted 30 mins and worked just down one side)
My labour was 12hrs 59 mins and active 3hrs.59 mins.

My beautiful daughter Imogen Katie Louise was born at 4.29PM 18th Aug 2009 38 weeks exactly weighing 5lb 15oz with no problems!!!

We stayed in hospital for 2 days as I was trying to breast feed her and she had problems latching.
She is now a happy healthy 16month old!
She has no development problems, however is on medication for asthma.

She is known at our local hospital as the baby that should not have survived.
if anyone wants to contact me please feel free my email is

I wish you every sucess if you are reading this after a PPROM. X