By Vivian, San Antonio, TX USAAt 15 weeks I was awakened in the middle of the night by a feeling that I was leaking urine. I got up to go to the bathroom and felt a gush of more fluid when I sat down. I still thought it was urine, so I went to the bathroom and flushed the toilet in the dark. When I pulled up my pants I realized both my underwear and pants were very wet. I turned on the light and saw my underwear wet with bloody fluid. After calling my doctor I went into the hospital where I had a positive amnisure test, an US that demonstrated a low fluid level and one urination withblood/clots. I was admitted for PPROM on antibiotics IV for 1 week. During our hospital stay our doctor did discuss termination as an option. That was an easy decision for us, we knew we would continue unless evidence arose of a significant intrauterine infection (life-threatening to me) in which case we would reconsider. Thankfully, I never showed signs of infection. At the end of the first week my fluid level looked normal and I was sent home on strict bedrest. I could never tell confidently whether I was leaking fluid because I always leak some urine during my pregnancies. On multiple follow-up visits my fluid level remained normal. At 21 weeks my high-risk Ob speculated that I had had a high leak initially in my amniotic sac that had resealed - something he had never seen apart from amniocentesis and couldn't explain in my case. At 26 weeks I gradually started increasing my activity and eventually came off of bedrest. My ultrasounds continued to be normal. At 39 weeks I had a c-section (I had had 3 prior c-sections) and delivered a healthy baby boy named Nathaniel (meaning God has given). He is nothing short of a miracle to us and answer to the prayers of many far and wide who supported us through this. The day I ruptured an Ob friend called to tell me that there was an exceedingly small chance that the pregnancy may
PROM at 15 weeks + 1 days. Delivery at 39 weeks + 4 days.
Story added: 2010-11-11
continue and that I could deliver a healthy baby, he told me this to encourage us that we did not have to terminate if we didn't want to. We realize how blessed we are to have had this outcome. God's grace is sufficient for us in all things, but in our case He chose to grant us this miracle and we are in awe of the Lord and grateful.