My water just broke…
– what do I do now?
If you’ve found this page because have just experienced a preterm premature rupture of the membranes (PPROM), you’re probably shocked, confused, and terrified about what this means for your beloved baby or babies.
The members of the PROM mailing list knows that you are in urgent need of information about what to do next, what to ask your health care team, and what to expect. We have created this page as a resource for you based on our own experiences, and what we wish we had known when we PROM’d.
Our first message to you and your family is the most important:
Don’t give up hope.
Article by Kay Squires, January 2005, updated July 2011This information was compiled by the members of the PROM list. Nothing on this page should be taken as medical advice. A doctor should be consulted before undertaking any of the medical treatments or methods recommended by the members of the list.
Special thanks to the members of the PROM list